
BK Bones brings her puppet “Roofus” to every show!
BK Bones can bring a bit of the prehistoric to you. A big proponent of STEAM education, this paleontology presenter makes questioning, exploration and creativity the heart of her approach. Expect eye-catching images, fossils (and fossil replicas) and lots of high-energy interaction. Shows can be geared to any age from PreK to adult.
BK Bones Shows
Fossils, Facts, and Fun Shows
Great for elementary school ages and mixed age shows!

Choose from these Paleo Topics

Dinosaur or NOT?
You can probably name some fascinating prehistoric creatures. But is each one of them actually a dinosaur, or NOT? You might be surprised! What makes a dinosaur a dinosaur? You’ll definitely know after this presentation and be well on your way to paleo expert!

Meat-Eating Dinosaurs
There are T-rex and Spinosaurus, of course! But there are so many more—some you may not have even heard of before! Learn how they used not only strong jaws, sharp teeth, and claws to grab their prey, but also their brains to hunt!

Dinosaurs of Texas
You might call the Lone Star State the “Bone Star State” after this presentation! Take a peek into prehistoric Texas, where some amazing dinosaurs roamed the wilds, possibly in your very own community!

Sharks of the Ancient Deep
New show for 2024-2025. Dive into prehistoric oceans and learn about these ancient predators, some of which live on today! Starring Megalodon with its 9-foot jaws, Helicoprion with its sawblade teeth and other unusual sharks, this program reveals many mysteries of the ancient deep.